divendres, 14 de novembre del 2008

English Conversation

In our English class we made a phone conversation and our teacher recorded us.

Pep Carreras & Marc Navarro

dijous, 13 de novembre del 2008


To: Coca-Cola Company S.A. From: Marc
Fax: 972 28 27 26 Tel: 972 26 25 24
Date: 16th October Pages: 2
Fao: James Crawford
Re: Next Meeting

Dear Ms Crawford,

Thank you very much to accept my request about are meeting. If you like we can meet on friday between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We can talk about the new agreement between Coca-Cola Company S.A. and Sweet Fish. I prepare a Order of Day, I have premitted in the next page. I look forward the hearing from you.

Your sincerely



I will come to Barcelona next weekend. I will be at my friend's home. If you like, we can meet, becouse it's a long time since we haven`t seen each other. Last week I come to Barcelona, but I can't met becouse I had a important meeting, but this weekend I will phone you to meet.
Hope to see you soon!


dijous, 23 d’octubre del 2008